
The Welcome of Jesus to Children

Childcare at Memorial What you do as a parent is so important. We want to help your child experience the welcome of Jesus. Your child is always welcome to stay with you in the sanctuary. You will find a nursing mothers’ room with live audio and video off the narthex (front lobby) next to the water fountain. Please knock before entering. Restrooms are located below the narthex and in the main hallway behind the sanctuary.

Kids Under 4

Childcare at MemorialThe children’s ministry check-in desk for kids under 4 is located in the children’s library off the main hallway behind the sanctuary.

Kids 4 - 2nd Grade

We have Children's Church for kids ages 4 through the 2nd grade. Should you wish to send your child, they will be dismissed before the sermon and returned to you before communion.

Children's Sunday School

On Sunday mornings during the school year, September - May, we offer Sunday School for all ages from 9:15-10:15 am.

Kid City Choir

All Children, ages 4-12, are invited to join Kid City Choir. The choir sings about four times per year in our worship service. Email Kathryn Leary for more info and rehearsal times.


Jesus loves your children. We are committed to providing an emotionally and physically safe environment for children. This also means transparency and accountability. All teachers, coordinators, aides, paid staff, and special event childcare workers in our children’s and youth ministries are screened as part of enforcing our Memorial Child Protection Policy, available here.

Additionally, we follow established security procedures for receiving and dismissing children. On taking your child to his or her classroom, please confirm any special concerns or needs with the teacher. Should an emergency arise, a childcare worker will immediately come find you in the sanctuary. Each childcare room is staffed by a minimum of two adult childcare workers. Secure evacuation procedures are in place in the event of an emergency.

Please email Youth and Family Pastor Sam Dolby if you have any questions about our children and family ministries.