Keeping Safe

We're back to worship on-site 11:00 am – noon Sundays! We're taking steps to stay safe. Here's what you need to know.

  • Check for symptoms. If a fever or symptoms, stay home and contact your doctor.
  • Use the restroom.
  • Grab your mask.
  • If you want one, print out a PDF bulletin from the Memorial app.
  • Aim to arrive between 10:45 and 11:00 am so everyone isn't arriving at the same time.
  • St. Louis City and County require masks indoors.
  • The sanctuary is not open during the week to keep it sterile.
  • The church is thoroughly cleaned.
  • High ceilings and large space allow for lots of air and distancing.
  • Approximately 80% of seats are closed to assist distancing. Please avoid seats marked with an X.
  • The balcony is also available.
  • If possible, please enter and leave through the front doors, which will be propped open.
  • It will be exciting to be back. Parents may want to hold younger kids hands on the way in.
  • You’ll find sanitizer stations inside each entrance and by restrooms.
  • You are welcome to sing in a quiet “speaking” voice or to hum or just listen.
  • We'll have just one communion line to allow for distancing.
  • You'll take the elements back to your pew and wait until everyone has been served.
  • We will not have anyone calling children forward or praying over them.
  • An offering basket will be stationed by the communion table.
  • Free bottles of water are available. Water fountains are closed off.
  • A photo will be taken of the room for contact tracing purposes only.
  • If new here, fill out the connection card in your pew and drop it in the offering basket. You may also fill this card out on-line. This will allow for contact tracing should it be needed.
  • At the end of the service, those needing extra time or distance will be invited to leave first.
  • After that, the rest of us will be invited to step out front to socialize.
  • Please be sensitive to the visually impaired. Let them know who you are if they don't immediately recognize you due to distancing.
  • The play garden and parking area along Alexander Drive will be blocked off for outdoor seating.
  • Bring a blanket or a chair. Chairs on hard surfaces and perimeter. Blankets on grass. Remember distancing.
  • You might bring sunscreen or a hat or umbrella for added shade.
  • It will be exciting to be back. Parents may want to hold younger kids’ hands as you decide where to sit.
  • We will have sound live-streamed outside. (Video projection isn't feasible in strong daylight.)
  • If you have data, you can live-stream video of the service at
  • The live-stream has a 15 second delay from inside.
  • This first week, wi-fi will be designated to sending out the livestream, but we may have public wi-fi access in future weeks.
  • Communion outside will be brought to you where you are seated. We will hold our portion until everyone has been served.
  • An offering basket and sanitizing station will be stationed in the play garden.
  • Free bottles of water are available.
  • If new here, fill out a connection card by the offering basket and drop in there. You may also fill this card out on-line. This will allow for contact tracing should it be needed.
  • Should you need a restroom, they are located inside the double doors by the drop-off. Remember to mask up if coming inside.
  • At the end of the service, those needing extra time or distance will be invited to leave first.
  • Please be sensitive to the visually impaired. Let them know who you are if they don't immediately recognize you due to distancing.
  • This will always be the year that church closed for six months due to plague. They will remember their first week back the rest of their lives.
  • But this will be different. We won’t be offering childcare until we can do so safely.
  • The service will be one hour or less.
  • Homilies will be 20 minutes and include content relatable to small children.
  • We're including some songs our kids really love.
  • The first week back (at least), at the start of the homily, ushers will hand out children's bags with a snack, children's bulletin, crayons and a toy (Play-Dough). Parents, if you want one for your child, alert the ushers as they pass by. Parents, you are welcome to toss the Play-Dough before returning home if you prefer.
  • At the end of the service, we will first dismiss anyone wanting to avoid an unstructured time of socializing. This will be like boarding an airplane. Those who need time or need to leave right away will do so first. After the postlude, the rest of us are welcome to leave or to socialize outside while distancing.
  • If you're not yet ready to join on-site, the service will continue to be live-streamed.
  • As we transition to hybrid live/live-streamed service, we are certain to experience hiccups. In the event that the live-stream fails, we will post the service to Facebook Sunday afternoon. You do not need to be on Facebook to participate. Any internet browser can access it at Either way, each weeks worship service can be viewed anytime on the church's public Facebook page.